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Getting an extended supply of medication for a bigger discount will not only help you save money, but it will also help you save time with fewer trips to the pharmacy. In many cases, a 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month supply of medication is significantly more cost-effective than a 30 day supply. We can work with your doctor to get the higher quantity prescribed if you are on a stable regimen.
Note: This is not a comprehensive list of the medications GenScripts carries. If the medication you are looking for is not listed, please use the button below, or call us. There’s an excellent chance we can save you money.
Our Dime a Dose program is perfect for those on a stable regimen of a specific medication. Drugs on the list are 10 cents per dose or less! We can work with your doctor to get the higher quantities prescribed.
seriously, everyone saves with us
Note: This is not a comprehensive list of the medications GenScripts carries. If the medication you are looking for is not listed, please use the buttons above or call us. There’s an excellent chance we can save you money. **ATTENTION: GENSCRIPTS CAN ONLY SERVE OKLAHOMA AND FLORIDA RESIDENTS AT THIS TIME.
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